Hunters Hill Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient rehabilitation is suitable for patients who need the support of medical and nursing care in an inpatient hospital environment.

You will be assessed by your nurse, doctor and therapists during your first two days. It is from these assessments that your rehabilitation program will be formulated. The rehabilitation team will involve you in the planning of your program to ensure your rehabilitation goals are addressed.

The goals of the program are based on a reasonable expectation of improvement as assessed by the Rehabilitation Physician in conjunction with team members.

Realistic goals for recovery are set and the program continues until established goals are achieved or progress plateaus or you are able to manage at home and return to the Day Program for ongoing rehabilitation.

On admission you will be assessed by the Rehabilitation Specialist and therapists. An individually tailored rehabilitation program will be established with the goal of optimising your level of independence and functional recovery. Your participation in this program will be expected to the best of your ability.

Your room

Our pre admission forms ask you to indicate your room preference (ie shared or single). Please understand that we will make every effort to provide you with your preference, however, rooms cannot be guaranteed and are allocated according to clinical need and availability.

What to bring for your stay

You will be required to be dressed each day:

  • Day clothes that are loose fitting, eg t-shirts, shorts, tracksuit etc.
  • Swimsuits (if you plan on attending hydrotherapy)
  • Outdoor shoes (walking shoes)
  • Nightwear

Your program will be specifically tailored to your needs and includes at least 2 therapy sessions each day.

Referrals can be sent to HHPH via fax no 8876 9436 and email Please ensure you complete all sections of the form. If any queries please contact 8876 9303.

Download Referral Form

We have four major programs:

Orthopaedic following:

  • Total hip replacements and revisions
  • Surgery for fractured hip
  • Total knee replacements and revisions
  • Other orthopaedic surgery
  • Multi-trauma, including fractures
  • Spinal Surgery

Musculoskeletal following:

  • Acute Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Severe soft tissue injury or disease


  • Surgical
  • Non Surgical


  • Following an acute episode of illness or undergone a surgical procedure with subsequent deterioration in functional ability

Our team members include doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social workers. They design and implement programs to enable patients to achieve the higher level of independence in both the hospital setting and on return to home, work and leisure pursuits.

Weekly Case Conferences of Specialists, Nursing and Rehabilitation staff are conducted to assess each patient's program and progress. Family conferences are available by arrangement if required.


Occupational therapy is a treatment and rehabilitation method that aims to get you back to everyday life and work after an injury, disability, or illness. The research driven, evidence based and holistic approach occupational therapists take means that patients are given their best shot at reaching their goals of participating in everyday life, activities and work.

Our occupational therapists can prescribe devices and therapy equipment that further enable you to safely and independently participate in the activities that are important to you.


Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

Physiotherapists will start by performing an assessment to understand your main problems and how they can help you. A treatment plan will then be developed after understanding your goals and how you would like to be helped. Treatments may involve ‘hands on’ manual therapy, exercise therapy or education for self-management of conditions. Hydrotherapy or gym-based exercise programs may also be incorporated into your treatment plan.


Hydrotherapy is a water-based treatment often used in conjunction with other therapies for the gentle relief of pain. Warm water exercises help strengthen muscles, reduce pain and improve balance and flexibility.

Our hydrotherapy service is accessible for people of all abilities, with a gentle slope access and handrails throughout. The pools are maintained at a therapeutic temperature range of 32-34°C and are supervised at all times to ensure ongoing safety.


A social worker is available to rehabilitation inpatient. Their involvement as part of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team may include:

  • Individual counselling
  • Family therapy
  • Psycho-social assessment

Resources and information are provided to assist patients and their families to make informed decisions regarding their future care, rehabilitation and other needs.

On discharge, referrals are made where necessary, to appropriate community services, follow-up support and counselling services.


Our dietitians help you make choices that result in better health and prevent or treat illness. They work closely with you to help optimise recovery following hospitalisation and can provide a range of interventions both before and after your hospital visit.

Speech Pathology

Our speech pathologists are highly skilled in listening to and communicating with you before creating a treatment plan specific to your needs and outcome requirements; assessing, diagnosing and treating in a holistic way to reach a desired communication goal.

Our speech therapists work closely with patients who have communication and swallowing difficulties following a stroke, brain injury, Parkinson’s disease and other ailments and injuries that affect swallowing, speech and language ability.

If your hospital program is covered by private health insurance or Veterans' Affairs, the account will be sent directly to the relevant organisation. If it is covered by Workers' Compensation or transport accident schemes, approval must be sought to your admission.
  • Chaplains
  • Dietician
  • Hairdressing
  • Library
  • Pharmaceutical supplies
  • Podiatry
  • Speech Therapy
Patients primary purpose is to participate in their rehabilitation program, and therefore will be required to attend therapy sessions throughout the day. As such, visiting hours are 3pm to 8pm daily.
Inpatient Rehabilitation