Your Stay at Hunters Hill Private Hospital
Please register at Reception. You will then be escorted to your room.
Your Accommodation
Hunters Hill Private Hospital offers a high standard of accommodation with predominantly private rooms and some shared bathrooms.
Accommodation is shared in the Day Surgery Unit.
While we will make every endeavour to provide you with your accommodation preference, please understand that in certain circumstances of high activity or emergency admissions, it may be necessary to offer you a room with a shared bathroom. However, if this happens, we can transfer you to a room with a private bathroom as soon as one becomes available.
Staying with Children at Hospital
We encourage a parent(s) to spend as much time as possible with their child during the child's hospitalisation. One parent is encouraged to stay overnight. Unfortunately siblings cannot be accommodated overnight.
Our Catering Department prepares a variety of top quality, fresh meals. Menus will be provided each morning from which you may select meals according to your taste and dietary requirements.
Referral to a dietitian can be made during your inpatient stay should it be required.
Meals are served at the following times:
Breakfast |
7:30am |
Lunch |
12:00pm |
Dinner |
5:00pm |
Morning and afternoon tea are provided.
Electrical items
Whilst we wish to support your stay in hospital and make it as pleasant as possible, we have an obligation to maintain a safe environment. As we cannot ensure the safety of your own personal electrical items, we request that you keep these to a minimum. The Hospital reserves the right to examine and inspect any devices brought from home and to prohibit the use of any device that the staff have concerns about.
Patient-supplied medical devices are only permissible if they have been reviewed by our Facilities Officer and meet the required standards.
Electrical heating pads are not permissible due to the inherent hazards associated with them.
Emergency procedures
The Hospital has well organised safety and emergency procedures in which each staff member has a key role. In the unlikely event of an emergency, remain in/by your bed until a staff member arrives to assist you.
Identification on staff
All staff wear name badges as a means of identification and internal security. The badge shows the staff member’s name and position. If you cannot see a staff member’s identification badge you may ask them to show you.
Internet access
Wireless internet access is available throughout the facility.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones may be used in all public areas of the hospital. Hunters Hill Private Hospital does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to your mobile phone.
We require all visitors and patients to turn off their mobile phone when entering the operating theatre area.
Some complimentary copies of newspapers are available. Electronic access is also available to some newspapers.
Nurse in Charge
The ward areas are under the supervision of the Nurse Unit Manager during weekdays and a Team leader and Hospital In charge on evening, night and weekend shifts. Any problems that may occur during your stay should be raised with these staff members.
Pharmaceutical services are provided to inpatients through the Ramsay Pharmacy.
A team of highly-trained and experienced pharmacists and technicians dispense medications and provide clinical advice under your doctor’s direction.
Pharmacists review medications regularly to identify, resolve and prevent medication related problems and optimise drug treatment. Medication information and counselling are provided to patients with multiple medications or complex conditions who would benefit from this service.
To ensure that additional charges are not applied, patients are requested to bring their regular medications with them at the time of admission. This will ensure that their supply of medication is not interrupted and additional charges are not levied. This is especially important for authority items, which have controls placed on them. If you are taking a number of medications please bring a current medication list from your GP to assist the admission process and ensure your medication treatment is continued. This should include Prescription medicines, “Over the counter” medications, aspirin, vitamins, herbal or alternative medicines.
Charges for medications not covered by hospital health fund agreements or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs will be sent to you as a separate account.
Radiology at Hunters Hill Private Hospital is carried out by Mobile Imaging Service (an external provider). If you have a radiology service whilst you are in hospital, Mobile Imaging Service will submit your claims to Medicare & the Private Health Fund for you. Where there is an out-of-pocket charge, an account will be sent to you directly by Mobile Imaging Service.
No physical X-Rays prints are available, please consult the hospital where you had the imaging done for online images and radiology reports.
Download document
Hunters Hill Private Hospital is a totally smoke free environment.
You can make and receive free local calls from the telephone by your bed by dialling ‘0’ and then the number you wish to phone. Mobile, STD and ISD telephone calls cannot be made.
People may phone you directly by dialling 8876 9 followed by the extension number provided on your phone. Alternatively, they may phone (02) 8876 9300 (Hospital Switchboard). Phone calls will be put through to your bedside telephone. Please advise a staff member to notify Switchboard not to transfer calls to you if you do not wish to receive them.
A single handset by your bed allows you to select any of the local television stations. All televisions are equipped with Foxtel Digital channels.
Queries About Your Care
If you have any concerns or queries about your care whilst you are a patient in our hospital please bring them to our attention. The nurse in charge of the ward will be able to answer questions and resolve problems related to your hospital care.
The Hospital will not accept liability for loss of valuables or personal belongings. Please refrain from bringing valuables into the facility.
Inpatient Visiting hours
Our Rehabilitation patients are expected to participate in all scheduled therapy sessions, therefore we request that you visit outside the therapy times and check with the patients’ therapy schedule prior to your arrival. To accommodate such, set visiting hours are between 3:00 and 8.00pm.
Recommended reading
Falls Prevention |
Pressure Injury Prevention |
IV Cannula |
Patient and consumer centred care |
Preventing Blood Clots |
VTE Consumer |
Charter of Healthcare Rights |
Mistakes can happen
with your medicines |
Patient Information Receiving
Antibiotics in Hospital |
The Ramsay Rule |
Why do we keep
asking who you are? |
Privacy Statement |
Radiology Services |